提供有质量的内容和服务 - Google_SEO帮助文档(六)


Creating compelling and useful content will likely influence your website more than any of the other factors discussed here. Users know good content when they see it and will likely want to direct other users to it. This could be through blog posts, social media services, email, forums, or other means. Organic or word-of-mouth buzz is what helps build your site's reputation with both users and Google, and it rarely comes without quality content.



A blogger finds a piece of your content, likes it, and then references it in a blog post


While the content you create could be on any topic imaginable, here are some recommended best practices:


Good practices for content


•  Write easy-to-read text - Users enjoy content that is well written and easy to follow.

使用易读的内容文字 – 用户喜欢那些简洁易懂的内容


•  writing sloppy text with many spelling and grammatical mistakes


•  embedding text in images for textual content (users may want to copy and paste the text and search engines can't read it)


•  Stay organized around the topic - It's always beneficial to organize your content so that visitors have a good sense of where one content topic begins and another ends. Breaking your content up into logical chunks or divisions helps users find the content they want faster.

围绕主题进行阐述 - 有序地组织你的内容,可以让用户清晰的指导稳扎的脉络,轻易找到文章的开始和结束。把你的内容分解成一段一段的,可以帮助用户更快地找到他们想要的。只是你需要避免以下问题:


•  dumping large amounts of text on varying topics onto a page without paragraph, subheading, or layout separation


•  Use relevant language - Think about the words that a user might search for to find a piece of your content. Users who know a lot about the topic might use different keywords in their search queries than someone who is new to the topic. For example, a long-time baseball fan might search for [nlcs], an acronym for the National League Championship Series, while a new fan might use a more general query like [baseball playoffs]. Anticipating these differences in search behavior and accounting for them while writing your content (using a good mix of keyword phrases) could produce positive results. Google AdWords provides a handy Keyword Tool that helps you discover new keyword variations and see the approximate search volume for each keyword. Also, Google Webmaster Tools provides you with the  top search queries your site appears for and the ones that led the most users to your site.

使用相关的语言 – 考虑一下用户如果要查询你网站的内容会使用哪些关键词。对这方面了解的用户,他们使用的关键词和那些新手相比区别是很大的。    举个例来说,一个资深的棒球迷很可能直接搜索National League Championship Series的缩略名[nlcs],而那些才入门的棒球迷则会使用像[baseball playoffs]这样更普通的查询词。考虑到这些不同的访问者,在你写作时时刻掂量着这些关键词(可以用一些很不错的短语混合)就可以生成一些很有帮助的结果。Google AdWords提供了一个便捷的关键词工具可以帮助你发现一些不断变化的新关键词也可以为某一个关键词提供一些相关的关键词。同样的,Google网站管理员工具也为你提供一个热门搜索查询来列出那些在搜索结果中你网站内容出现次数最多和为你网站带来了有效点击的关键词。

•  Create fresh, unique content - New content will not only keep your existing visitor base coming back, but also bring in new visitors.

建立原创的独一无二的内容 – 新内容不仅能让你留住老客户,还能为你带来新的访问者


•  rehashing (or even copying) existing content that will bring little extra value to users


•  having duplicate or near-duplicate versions of your content across your site(more on duplicate content)


•  Offer exclusive content or services - Consider creating a new, useful service that no other site offers. You could also write an original piece of research, break an exciting news story,

or leverage your unique user base. Other sites may lack the resources or expertise to do these things.

创造与众不同的内容或者服务 – 思考并创建一个新的,有用的,并且其他网站没有提供的内容或者服务, 你可以写一些原创的研究报告,新奇的故事或者不同的见解或技巧。其它站点可能正缺乏这些内容。

•  Create content primarily for your users, not search engines - Designing your site around your visitors' needs while making sure your site is easily accessible to search engines usually produces positive results.

为你的用户而不是搜索引擎创建内容 – 围绕您的客户的需求,同时如果能兼顾搜索引擎的访问将会带来非常好的效果


•  inserting numerous unnecessary keywords aimed at search engines but are annoying or nonsensical to users


•  having blocks of text like "frequent misspellings used to reach this page" that add little value for users


•  deceptively hiding text from users, but displaying it to search engines



  1. 搜索引擎优化指南前言 - Google_SEO官方帮助文档中文版(一)
  2. 创建独一无二,准确的网站标题 - Google_SEO帮助文档(二)
  3. 使用Meta标签的Description属性 - Google_SEO帮助文档(三)
  4. 改进你的URL解构 - Google_SEO帮助文档(四)
  5. 让你的导航更加人性化 - Google_SEO帮助文档(五)
  6. 提供有质量的内容和服务 - Google_SEO帮助文档(六)
  7. 更好的写锚文本 - Google_SEO帮助文档(七)
  8. 适当地使用标题标记 - Google_SEO帮助文档(八)
  9. 组织你的图片 - Google_SEO帮助文档(九)
  10. 发挥robots.txt文件的作用 - Google_SEO帮助文档(十)
  11. 在链接中使用nofollow - Google_SEO帮助文档(十一)
  12. 使用正确的方式推广你的网站 - Google_SEO帮助文档(十二)
  13. 用好免费的WEB管理员工具 - Google_SEO帮助文档(十三)
  14. 充分利用网站分析工具 - Google_SEO帮助文档(十四)
  15. 对管理员有帮助的资源 - Google_SEO帮助文档(十五)





