使用正确的方式推广你的网站 - Google_SEO帮助文档(十二)

Promote your website in the right ways


While most of the links to your site will be gained gradually, as people discover your content through search or other ways and link to it, Google understands that you'd like to let others know about the hard work you've put into your content. Effectively promoting your new content will lead to faster discovery by those who are interested in the same subject. As with most points covered in this document, taking these recommendations to an extreme could actually harm the reputation of your site.

大家都希望有更多的链接连向你的网站,这样更多的访问者可以通过搜索或者其他方式找到你的网站,Google也知道你也知道你在努力让更多的了知道你的网 站,并访问她。有效的推广可以让那些对你网站主题感兴趣的人很快地发现你的网站。在这个文档中提到了很多的方法,请遵循我们的一些建议,因为如果你过度使 用某些方法,也许会对你的网站带来负面效果。

Good practices for promoting your website


•  Blog about new content or services - A blog post on your own site letting your visitor base know that you added something new is a great way to get the word out about new content or services. Other webmasters who follow your site or RSS feed could pick the story up as well.

为你的新内容或者服务写一个博客 –你可以在博客上面告诉你的访问者你新加了哪些内容或者服务,让那些关注你的网站或者订阅了RSS的网络管理员更快地获取这些信息。

•  Don't forget about offline promotion - Putting effort into the offline promotion of your company or site can also be rewarding. For example, if you have a business site, make sure its URL is listed on your business cards, letterhead, posters, etc. You could also send out recurring newsletters to clients through the mail letting them know about new content on the company's website.

不要忘记了线下推广 - 努力在线下推广你公司或者网站也是很有帮助的。举例来说,假如你有一个商业网站,请确认是否有印你的网址在你的名片、信封或者海报这类宣传资料等,你还可以把你网站的一些新内容做成电子杂志的形式通过邮件发送给你的客户。

•  Know about social media sites - Sites built around user interaction and sharing have made it easier to match interested groups of people up with relevant content.

了解社会化媒体网站 - 那些以用户的互动和分享而建立的站点,可以聚集对同一主题感兴趣的人或者信息。


•  attempting to promote each new, small piece of content you create; go for big, interesting items


•  involving your site in schemes where your content is artificially promoted to the top of these services


•  Add your business to Google's Local Business Center - If you run a local business, adding its information to Google's  Local Business Center will help you reach customers on Google Maps and web search. The Webmaster Help Center has more tips on  promoting your local business.


•  Reach out to those in your site's related community - Chances are, there are a number of sites that cover topic areas similar to yours. Opening up communication with these sites is usually beneficial. Hot topics in your niche or community could spark additional ideas for content or building a good community resource.

那些与你主题接近的网站 - 也许你幸运的能找到一些与你主题相关的网站。与他们进行开放式交流对你的网站有很大好处,你的社区护着网站中的一些热点主题也许会产生一些新的亮点或有助于建立更好的社区资源


•  spamming link requests out to all sites related to your topic area


•  purchasing links from another site with the aim of getting PageRank instead of traffic



  1. 搜索引擎优化指南前言 - Google_SEO官方帮助文档中文版(一)
  2. 创建独一无二,准确的网站标题 - Google_SEO帮助文档(二)
  3. 使用Meta标签的Description属性 - Google_SEO帮助文档(三)
  4. 改进你的URL解构 - Google_SEO帮助文档(四)
  5. 让你的导航更加人性化 - Google_SEO帮助文档(五)
  6. 提供有质量的内容和服务 - Google_SEO帮助文档(六)
  7. 更好的写锚文本 - Google_SEO帮助文档(七)
  8. 适当地使用标题标记 - Google_SEO帮助文档(八)
  9. 组织你的图片 - Google_SEO帮助文档(九)
  10. 发挥robots.txt文件的作用 - Google_SEO帮助文档(十)
  11. 在链接中使用nofollow - Google_SEO帮助文档(十一)
  12. 使用正确的方式推广你的网站 - Google_SEO帮助文档(十二)
  13. 用好免费的WEB管理员工具 - Google_SEO帮助文档(十三)
  14. 充分利用网站分析工具 - Google_SEO帮助文档(十四)
  15. 对管理员有帮助的资源 - Google_SEO帮助文档(十五)





